Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Nay Nay

Talking about fantasies, may as well jump to Ed's fetish.

Definition of fetish:  A course of action to which one has an excessive and irrational commitment.

Ed came out of the vaginal canal LOVING the feel of anything that resembled hair, in this mouth - while he sucked his fingers.  LOVES IT.  It used to just be my hair.  You know, when he was a baby, he would wrap his little fingers around my hair and then suck on it. So sweet.  But then he got a little older and started de-threading his "blue".  But the WORST discovery was, when he found "Nay".

Nay is a beautiful (*ahem* was a beautiful) white magical pony/horse.  And Nay has long blond hair for her mane and tail.  It WAS beautiful.  Murnice took such good care of her.  The hair glistened and gleamed.  And Nay looked so majestic.  How Ed found Nay, I'll never remember.  But Nay is no longer majestic.

Nay is no longer white. More like, dappled grey.  Her hair is knotted into one large dread.  One dread for the mane.  One dread for the tail.  And Ed loves nothing more than to get tangled up in "nay hair" and then suck his fingers.  He will weave his little fingers into the knots.  And sometimes his toes.

Last night he went on a weaving frenzy with his toes, and then got his whole foot stuck in Nay's dread.  And then screamed like a banshee.

Any hair formation  floating around on the floor is referred to as "nay hair".  Ed is finally getting better about throwing those jewels out.  He used to immediately cram them into his mouth and hide in a corner until I would find him with a mouthful of mystery hair and dust bunnies.

I feel sorry for his wife.

I took a few snap shots, trying to capture the moment - but it was difficult.  Nay hair sucking is a fast-moving activity, and my camera is s-l-o-w.  Fast-moving because fingers are constantly moving in and out of the weave.

 So, with the first one, you can see the blur of the fingers.  Entangled nicely.

 The second one depicts the wrapping of the toes.  It also showcases the fine dread that has been created.  And if you look real close, you'll see the dappled grey effect.  (Or is it affect?)

And here you'll see the sucking of the fingers and blue.

And that sums up Ed's life right now as a two-year-old.

Take Aways
1)  You can't choose who'll come out of you.

Fun Fact
While writing this post our neighbor stopped by.  Yup, it's 8:30 am.  And I look almost as beautiful as I did then.  Except this morning - I have my bangs parted down the middle with a bobby pin plastering them down.  I greeted her at the door and said, "do I look beautiful?"  Nothing like constantly being humbled.


  1. It is shedding season so my poor German Shepherd has been banned to the mud room or yard bc I have this terror of the twins choking to death on a furball. She wouldn't have to be exiled if she didn't blow her coat, but she walks by and leaves a trail of dog hair cotton balls everywhere she goes. The babies are FASCINATED by them and immediately make a beeline for them and then stuff them in their mouths
    as fast as they can. Then proceed to choke and gag while I panic and do airway sweeps.

    Jessica F.

  2. Picturing this is cracking me up. Ugh! the life of a mother.

  3. Oh sweet Ed....and effect is correct in the tense you were using it. Kudos.
