Thursday, June 13, 2013

Not my Prettiest Face

I have a prideful selfish issue. Ok, really I have many prideful selfish issues - but this one is probably the most annoying.  At least for me.

It has to do with Big D.  I view him as an adult, not a child.  Even though there are many child-traits he possesses.  I expect him to get his own drink.  I expect him to remember to grab his towel when he goes to take a shower.  I expect him to wash his own underwear if he chooses to hoard all of his dirty underwear under the dresser until he is completely underwear-less and I have been given no warning that he is on the verge of going commando.  I'm not going to jump up and start a load just because I'm the wife.

So I think you can see what my pride issue is.  But there's a fine line of being a slave and being a servant.  And I feel that I would be a slave.  I have no desire to serve Big D.  I serve my beautiful *cough* children all day long.  Probably over-serve them.  (I need to cut back)

But some miracle happened last week.  I did 3 nice things that I would have never done.  And it happened naturally without me having an argument in my head about what a good, loving wife would do *said in nasty snarky voice*  I don't remember the first two. (that's how natural it was for me)  But the third thing I did was to grab a forkful of chicken breast out of the rotisserie chicken and put it in a bowl on the table for Big D.  He actually called me a Proverbs 31 lady.  Whoa.

Two things here.  1) That's kind of embarrassing that I'm being called a Proverbs 31 woman all because I forked a hunk of chicken out of the roast.  2)  It REALLY gets me excited when I naturally swallow my pride and do something out of the ordinary - and then get acknowledged for it in an elaborate way.  It makes me want to grab that bowl full of chicken and chuck it out the front door. Bowl and all.

What I would prefer, is a pleasant "thank you" and maybe a special smile.  And THEN, if you're still feeling really pleased with scoring such a winner of a wife - then I would like a letter.  Letters are my favorite.  But DON'T sit there and gloat like a bull frog over me.  Ew.

So many things to work on.  And serving is right at the top of being the most difficult.  BUT, I felt so accomplished and thankful that there is indeed hope for me.  It happened naturally and simply.

And so today I'll say that with Jesus, all things are possible.  Even for prideful sassy wives.

Take Aways
1)  Don't think too much about this for fear of getting really snarly and even more prideful just because you did 1 servitude gesture. (that was to me)
2)  Always bath in hope.
3)  Try every day.  Eventually the trying will turn to real actions.  Maybe.
4)  I need to be done writing this post because it's making me grumpy.

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