Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Good Morning *grin*

My question of the day is - when is it socially acceptable to get dressed and look presentable if you only plan to stay home?

I woke up this morning, and AFTER taking a sip of my too hot tea with way too much honey, I managed to growl out a few words to Big D.  What should I blog about today?  He gave me some nice answers.  Honestly, I have no recollection what he said. The answer that I have choosen is:  if it's meant to be blogged about, the universe will let me know.

We have lived in our little mole hole for a full 4 years.  We have met our neighbors, in the form of smiles and waves.  I'm just finding that friendliness is not this neighborhoods forte.  Or maybe it's just me.  Maybe I'm just a rude hermit.

The morning is going by smoothly.  Fights have been broken up.  Children sent to bed for not being happy.  Half of breakfast has been eaten, the other half waiting for a mid morning hunger seizure - splattered on the table.  Now, the lucky part of the morning so far - the children were dressed and hair was brushed.  And super brownie points go to me - Ed's peener was covered (you know, potty training).

I'm sitting on the couch researching how to wash yellowed, greased smeared pillows.  I had the fortitude to pull my hair back and powder the greased slick dick do, that was happening. (Hense the pillows)  BUT, I did have a Biore pore nose strip on, mom sweats, and a see through, very thin, long sleeved shirt - with no underthings on . . .  I also just ate a large bowl of chicken fettuccine alfredo with lots of fresh parsley and ground pepper.

So I'm sitting there doing my research , and I notice a red head go bobbing by the front window.  Oh dear Jesus, thank you for bringing wonderful encounters into my life. *Ahem* more like humbling moments that will forever put me in the laughing stock category of neighbor status.  I ripped my nose strip off - not giving it enough time to harden, and missing out on the satisfying eye watering agony of the s.l.o.w. rip  Crossing my fingers that there was no white residue left on my face.

I open the door and it's our neighbor who lives directly behind us.  The ones who get to watch everything we do - because our yard is like a soup bowl.  And we sit in the bottom, and the neighbors all around us sit on the lip.  They probably know more about us than we do.  They probably have seen more body parts than we would care to share.  And they probably have heard far too many heated fellowships.

Blessings abound this morning.

I didn't know what to do.  Apologize for the way I looked and smelled.  Pray that she didn't see or smell anything.  Or pretend that nothing was unusual and have a pleasant first encounter meet and greet.

I chose to pretend that I looked like a queen.  I ran my tongue over my teeth ferociously every time she would say something.  And at one point I scored a large pointy object.  I'm guessing fresh ground black pepper.  I wonder how many pepper shows she got?  The children hung around my legs like fleas.  It was wonderful.

She finally continued on her walk - after asking if she could cut down a hunk of a tree that resides in our yard.  I ran to the bathroom to see the damage of first impressions.  Honestly, not bad. No white residue on nose.  Rosy cheeks from the violent ripping - thoughts of blush?  Teeth - loads of cheese and other pasta material crammed in all corners, but no green or black hunks. 

I am some what mortified. And somewhat pleased that I have finally met a neighbor. She was a lovely Irish lady.  Maybe we'll be friends some day.

Take Aways
1) Put the mirror back up by the front door
2) Embrace every opportunity that comes your way with the outcome of meeting new neighbors


  1. Oh yay! Neighbors... All I could think of when reading about this first-encounter was that you had a very thin shirt on with no under-things! Who cares about teeth then?!

  2. I second that. I don't think the teeth is what I would find to be distracting. Of course, maybe the children took some of the attention as well. You do have the loveliest encounters though I must say.

  3. I, certainly was caring more about my teeth. That's what she was looking at! Now if it was some man, I probably would have hid under my bed.
