Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Queen Bee

I have a lady in my life named Queen Bee.  She is one of my favorite-est people in all the land.  And everybody should know about Queen Bee and should have a friend like Queen Bee.

I met her when I was in college.  I was 19 and she was 15.  A baby.  I was doing my thing at the local Y - swim lesson jizznizzle, and I was given this baby for my helper.  I don't remember much else of our early days.  Except I can be sympathetic towards her parents and what they must have been feeling when their highschooler was bringing home a college student to play dolls with.

These are all the reasons a few of the reasons why Queen Bee is a necessity to life.

1)  She squeals louder than a lost pig.

2)  She does better twirls and gets her knees up higher on her leprechaun hops then I could ever hope to.

3)  She sings loudly in the car for all to hear.  (Makes my heart smile)

4)  She brings me birthday presents in old paper bags of homemade gifts.

5)  She snuggles Ed and Murnice in the back seat when she's on the verge of hurling chunks from being carsick..

6)  She calls Big D "daddy" just to be annoying.

7)  She curls up on my grease stained pee-covered couch and goes to sleep.

8)  And then wakes up demanding watermelon.

9)  She texts me when she's pooping.  To tell me she's pooping.

10)  She makes up games in the car regarding what word to say when you need to make a left or right.  And what noise to make when you need to stop.

11)  She is not afraid to haggle.

12)  She has a nose ring and wears men's glasses.

13)  She loves babies and birth and real saggy saggy money makers.

14)  She helped paint my livingroom purple.

15)  She has the tenderest most nonjudgmental heart I know.

16)  She inspires me artfully.

17)  She picks up old broken furniture on the side of the road and makes it look special and loved and shiny.

18)  She makes me feel alive.

19)  And loved.

20)  And better about life.

21)  She hates sneakers even more than I do.

22)  She says things like "tell me everything" and "text me a million times".

23)  She is incredibly fancy and so humble.

24)  And introduces me to movies that I would have otherwise never known about.

25)  And makes Big D and Murnice and Ed feel just as special as she makes me feel.

I got to spend a couple few hours with Queen Bee this weekend.  And wow.  It was better than the 5th bowl of chicken soup I'm eating right now.  (Don't judge.  I'm sick.  And hungry.)

Take Aways
1)  Sometimes when you pray for a friend, you get way better than you could have ever imagined.
2)  Spend more time with Queen Bee.
3)  Practice squealing so that one day you can outdo on the squeal competition.
4)  Try to be a Queen Bee to others.

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