Monday, June 10, 2013

If You're Fancy and You Know it Clap Your Hands

So the lady of Friday Friends graduated from a very prestigious school with her MBA.  So proud of her.  And her husband, as he has worked so hard at being supportive and loving and patient and enthusiastic and loving and gracious and loving.  It's been such a privilege watching this dance take place.  Such a privilege walking life with them.  Such a privilege being so incredibly open with marriage together.  (Big D goes out one week with the lady of Friday Friends and the next week I go out with the Mr.) (Kidding)  We just talk about all the ooey gooey.  We've cried in front of each other.  Had  high energy dance parties.  Had sleep overs.  Belly button shots? (Not answering that question) Fancy dinners.  Messy dinners.  I can't think of anything that is too above sharing with Friday Friends.  I can't imagine life without Friday Friends.

So anyway, we were invited to the actual graduation ceremony.  And thank the Lord, we had enough wisdom to wear appropriate clothes.  Some women were acutally wearing evening gowns.  Or so it looked.  Super fancy.  Which made me feel extra snorty.  I can't help it.  The fancier the event, the snortier  I feel and the harder it is for me to try not to act like a complete pig.  So difficult for me.

By the time we got there it was starting.  The band was blaring and the graduates marching and we were scrambling to find a spot for our family and our large bag of funness.  We found our special spot on the 3 floor at the very back.  Or should I say, top.  We were actually in the nose bleed section.  And when I stood up with my knees straight - I felt like i was going to topple down 3 very huge flights.  So I stayed seated.

These are the things I noticed while seated up so high.

1)  Anytime a graduates name was announced due to some fancy award, the entire crowd would all slowly lean forward, as if to catch a glimpse of the special someone.  There was no possible way of seeing the graduate, but they all tried.  And trying counts for something.

2)  Everybody was on their phone.  Some people were catching up on their blogs they follow.  Some people were sharing pictures from their facebook accounts. It was neat.

3)  My favorite thing that i noticed was, when a graduate got called out individually with an award, or special acknowledgement, the parent - if they were seated on the 3rd floor - would jump up on their feet and clap hysterically.  Kind of like that one time on Anne of Green Gables when Anne does something really great and Gilbert jumps up and claps so hard and so fast that his floofy hair gets a waggling.  Ok, that's what it was like.  So the parent (or relative) would be Gilbert Clapping and then slowly they would look to the right.  And slowly look to the left.  And they would notice that nobody else was clapping.  We just didn't care about that person.  We were all trying to keep our noses together.  And their clapping would slowly die into a normal clap and then they would sit down - melting into the crowd.  Anyway, I loved that part.  It happened quite a few times.  And I giggled.

For the next hour and a half we sat and listened to speeches and names called.  Ed kept getting his big rubbered shoes all tangled up in my dress.  That got me excited.  My nose was running hysterically due to the guy who was sitting on my right.  He either was wearing super dusty clothes or has a cat.  Murnice kept whispering "how much longer".  And then 4 pages away from screaming for Friday Friends, Murnice informs us that she has to use the lady's room.  *grumble grumble grumble*  And then we're 2 pages away from hooting and hollering and Murnice really lets us know that she needs to use the lady's room.

Well, Murnice. Your timing could not be any better.  So, we decided that I would make a hurricane trip to the lady's room and we would meet on the 2nd floor to clap our hands and stomp our feet.  And wouldn't you know, when we got out to the 2nd floor there was a sleeping baby.  So we roared and cheered in our hearts, remembering what it was like to finally have the baby asleep.  Dang baby.

And then we hightailed it out of there and Big D rushed me to the sidewalk art fair.  Where I found a happier disposition and bought something that made Big D grumpy.

And that's my story of going to the fanciest graduation ceremony known to man kind.

Take Aways
1)  Thank Jesus that fancy graduations are few and far in between.
2)  Thank Jesus for the sidewalk art sale.
3)  Get to fancy graduations earlier.  Much much earlier.
4)  Before going to another fancy graduation, make sure there will be an art festival in walking distance.
5)  Sit on an end aisle to avoid dusty people or cat lovers.

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