Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The New Man in My Life That Brings Joy

Do you know what J-man did for me?  (J-man, the pool boy that lives at Mothers)

After a special extraordinary weekend filled with obnoxious men, grumpy attitudes, refusals to poop, and lots of screaming. (Big D included)

J-man brought his fancy computer to the table at Mothers, where I was sitting and groveling in my poor attitude.  His computer has a chastity belt wrapped 2 times around the middle complete with 4 locks.  J-man unlocked all 4 locks, threw them in the meat grinder and then emptied it into the trash.  He opened the computer to reveal  (star star sparkle star star) a special button that I push that brings me straight to my wonderful blog sight.

No fancy wizard twirls and special 5 letter, 7 number, 13 special signs and symbols pass codes.  Just a simple double click.

I legitimately feel like a queen.

And what adds the luscious cherry on top - is that J-man leaves his computer in a very easy location for me to access.  No wild goose chases or bachelor pad ransacks.

Also, he patted my hand 4 times and smiled nicely.  And I half smiled back.

Take Aways
1)  Whenever possible, steal any J-manish man off the street corners and have him move in with you.
2)  31 years later, I still hate Patch the Pirate the same.
3)  Husbands don't care if J-men move in.
4)  Honestly, it makes them happy, and life easier.
5)  I think it's time for me to run away and have a break from all of these naughty men in my life.  Minus J-man

1 comment:

  1. I think that I may claim at the very least a small amount of credit for the wonderful pool boy that J-Man has turned into. Thank you.
