Thursday, August 29, 2013

List of Gratefulness/Things I Love - But Only For Today

Things that I love love love - or possibly don't love, but am grateful for.

1)  A story to tell that hopefully brings something good to others. (I was lying in bed last night and realized that it's going to be a never ending story - mainly because I'm writing every blue-dog detail of 5ish years.)

2)  Ed saying to Murnice, "Murny, you wanna make babies?" - Meaning, draw babies.  Um, I fell in love with him 31 pounds more.

3)  Sister Bear calling me at quarter of eleven last night to ask what my message was that I gave B.B. Bobby.  (Seriously!)  The message I gave to Bobby was, "tell S.B. 11 o'clock at the beach".  And Bobby couldn't remember that?  And then S.B. has to call me when I'm fast asleep?  I guess at this point you're all thinking, "don't answer the phone."  But I have to keep my phone 3 inches from my head at night because I've had just enough late calls that have to do with spousal fights and cockroaches and smashed Tupperware and tinker on the edge of having to call the SWAT team in to diffuse.

4)  Ed has been telling Big D for a few weeks now that he loves him.  It's very sweet.  But Ed hasn't shared his love with anybody else, and being the person who pushed him out of my vagina - I feel I should be the first that he loves.  Out of pure devotion.  But yesterday, when I was scrounging in the fridge, Ed saw a whole bowl of hard boiled eggs.  And he told me he loved me.  a)  I am thrilled he finally found it in his heart to utter those words to me.  b)  I am horrified that the only reason he loves me is because I boiled some eggs for him.

5)  Getting a text from S.B. saying that she was going to McDicks.  (for coffee).  Um . . . "mcdicks" cracks me up.  Or maybe I'm over tired from less than important phone calls in the middle of the night.  Yes, quarter of eleven is the middle of the night.

6)  Ed obsessed with his "nest" in our bedroom.  Ok, so Ed has been sleeping in our bed for weeks now.  And it's so sweet and not snugly with very little sleep.  Big D gets very hateful over this topic.  And I'm getting grumpier night by night.  So I ended up making a "nest" on the floor by our bed that he is, can we say - in love with.  I made it so when he woke up in the middle of the night he could come to his nest. But his nest is the only place he's sleeping.  And for quite a few nights in a row, it has greatly impinged on Big D's and my very adult time that was supposed to go down.

7)  Finding some "workout" clothes at TJMAXX that I can stomach wearing.  AKA - Big D hates them.  I say they are "workout" clothes because I found them in the workout section.  I legitimately will feel like a queen wearing them.  You may find me wearing workyouty clothes every once in awhile. But you will NEVER find me wearing sneaks.  EVER.  Or if i do, it will be a very hidden and private affair.

8)  Watching B.B. Wensleydale twirly grow into man.  He recently became a believer, and his maturity has just blown me to the moon.  And possibly the stars.  I'm so excited to see what this next year has for him.

9)  I recently became privy to some very disheartening/angering/appalling/shocking/wear-my-boxing-mitts, information.  And I want nothing more than to yell it from the roof tops.  Shedding light where the darkness is.  Bringing truth to the deceived.  Letting the world know what's happening to a blind eye.  So I prayed about it.  Asking God what I was supposed to do with this information.  And he IMMEDIATELY said, "use it for good".  Not fully sure what that means, but I'll do my best.  P.S.  have I ever mentioned how much I love getting an answer, not to mention an immediate answer from God?

Take Aways
1)  I think there are 13 more things I want to chat about - but I must get ready for the leachy beach.
2) I'm not quite sure why I'm in such a grateful mood this morning.
3)  Also I said a blessing over Big D has he walked out the door to work.  He got really weirded out.  And left real fast.
4)  Can you believe today is Thursday?!
5)  Now that's good news.  I love Fridays best.

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