Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Weekend Catch Up - Labor Day

Yeah, I've been slack in writing.  The problem being:  Sister Bear is in town.  And I've been spending probably, too much time with her.

Sister Bear is 37 weeks, great with child.  She also is starting a photography biznazz.  She wanted to use me and the rest of us, the Witherhalls to play around with different poses and backgrounds.  Things of that nature.  Things to broaden her portfolio.

So, she thought it would be neat to try a more "intimate" shoot.  Which included Big D and myself.

First she picked out all these clothes that were a) either plastered to my bottom.  Or, b) falling off of me in a boner-inducing way.

Then she chauffeured us in Mother's minivan out to the edge of civility.  Where we found my father hiding in the tall grass spying on a rabid raccoon covered in flies, but still alive

 Rabid raccoon and intimacy.  I was completely overjoyed.  For multiple reasons 1)  I was half dressed, and we drove to the precise location of where my father was.  2)  There was a rabid raccoon meandering about with flies.  3)  We could not see rabid raccoon approaching because of tall grass.  4)  We had to listen for rustling and watch for grass movement.  4)  I could not run in the clothes I was wearing.  5)  There were no rocks to throw when rabid raccoon with flies, appeared.

I guess the title of that photo shoot - if it had a name, would be called:  Lips and Buns.  It was not my favorite moment in time. Big D is still giggling and trying to keep his "manhood" under wraps.

Also, the least flattering moment, was when Sister Bear was doing a close-up.  And these were her precise words:  "ew!  your mustache is growing.  Relax your face!"

*AHEM*  Did that really just happen?   You just said my mustache is growing?  I mean, I know I have blonde fuzzies, but is it really that noticeable/horrific?  And then you want me to completely relax my face after saying something like that to me?

That was great.  I guess I'll just blame it on the pregnancy hormones.

Other highlights include:
1)  Having quite a few more photo shoots.  Including trespassing.  A lot.  Sister Bear is so talented.
2)  Fighting with Big D most of the weekend.
3)  Having an important man at church ask how I was.  And I told him that we were fighting.  And he felt nervous.  Maybe because I had crazy eyes.  And asked us to lunch.  And it was magical.
4)  Started a bible study called:  Good Morning Girls.  Not the best name.  But I'm trying . . . .
5)  Celebrated Murnice's birthday for the 3rd? time.  She wanted spaghetti and balls.  (she doesn't call them balls - just me) And I spent all day making a cauldron of sauce and balls - and she didn't really like it.  It's a good thing I like her.
6)  Going to a wedding.  Where Sister Bear lost it.  And Big D was in the wedding.  So it was me, with 3 wittle kids and a very pregnant hormonal emotional lady that I was in charge of.  It got REALLY exciting for about 58 minutes.
7)  Big D and I are still sleeping in the same bed = miracle.

The raccoon is no longer with us.  It happened to be in the road when Mother was driving.  One account said she ran and backed over it 5 times.  Another account said 7.  She enjoys wilderness hit and runs.  I think she likes to use it as her hand/eye coordination practice.

The end.

1 comment:

  1. HHAHAHA. I am laughing hard at the raccoon situation. Hope she was able to get a few good shots ;)
