Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Q: Do Actions Speak Louder Than Words? A: Correct

You know in the Bible where Jesus says something to the effect:  If you love me, then obey my commandments?

Welp, this statement has been on my mind for a few years.  There are so many commandments.  I get boggled.  Then grumpy.  Then overwhelmed.  Then I throw my arms up in the air (wave them violently) and say negative statements, like "how in the world am I supposed to remember all of those commandments???!!!"  And then I think "I hope Jesus doesn't think that I don't love him because I forgot a commandment."  All in that order.

 It gets gnarly.

Oh, but then beauty happened today.  I was talking to one of my goodest pals, and she was chatting about husbands *ahem, cough* and how they say things like:  "I love being married to you"  and "you're such an amazing mother" and other unoriginal statements - but then they have the audacity to forget special days.  Unacknowledged that is.  And where does that leave us, the mothers. The wives?  Believing your words of praise and love?  Or believing your actions?

And in that moment I got my answer.  Jesus said, "it's your actions, love me through your actions".

Um, phew!

I know our actions go back to the commandments, but it's so easy to get overwhelmed and wrapped up in the magnitudeness of the word, "commandment".  Especially when there are a lot of them.

It's so much simpler staying in tune with my day to day actions.  Moment to moment.  Focusing on now.

On a side note:  This happened.
Ed chewed off the back-tail.  And ate it like a potato chip.

Take Aways
1)  Search for truth, and the truth will set you free.
2)  My hair salon won't call me back.  I think they're avoiding me.  But I have officially entered the Sewer Rat pageant - and I have a good chance of winning.
3)  I'm going out tonight with Queen Bee, and I can't wait and Big D will miss me because he doesn't know how to handle being by himself AND the children.
4)  That wasn't true at all.
5)  Murnice asked me if sometimes I tell tall tales on my blog - I said, yes.
6)  I can't wear any makeup tonight because of my wanky eye.  Feeling even more sewer ratish.

1 comment:

  1. This post is in a way an answer to a prayer I said. Plus the potato chip thing is funny.
