Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Happy Muver's Day, Mama

I like to add "mama" after any and all celebratory greetings.  The proper way to say these greetings is with a high, soft, airy voice.

You know when you hear a little kid say something in real life, and then it just stays with you.  Forever.  And you think it's hysterical to throw the verbiage around where ever and whenever you please?  Yes, yes, that's what I'm doing.

I didn't actually hear the little kid say this in person.  I only heard the story.  It comes from Friday Friends.  They have two little kids. A bigger little kid. And a littler little kid. And it was their mama's birthday.  There was a cake in the fridge.  Mama gets up one morning, and littler little kid (maybe 2 years old) somehow opened the fridge, got the cake out and was eating it on the floor.  Hearing her mother, littler little kid turns around - with cake plastered to her face - and says, "happy birthday mama".

This kills me.  And so Big D and I throw this saying around. All the time. For everything we can (within reason)  Happy Monday Morning mama - does not work.

Sooooooo - mother's day.  I really abhor the holiday.  I think it's cheese and crackers with a good glob of stupidity on top.  It's important to not call anybody that you really care about on this day, for fear they may think you're calling to wish them a happy mother's day.  Which is not the case.  You're just calling to chat.  But they don't know that.  And then it gets weird. And feelings get hurt. Example.  I was having a bored moment on Sunday and decided to call Brother Bear.  He did not answer.  But he called me first thing Monday morning.  Why?  Because he didn't want to call me back on Sunday to make me think   he was calling to wish me "happy mother's day".

I'm assuming that probably offended many.  Let me just say, that's just me.  I won't be calling you on mother's day. But if we do bump into each other, I will be socially acceptable and do what society tells me to do - and wish you a beautiful happy mother's day.

Which leads me to my next point.  I don't have to like something to take full advantage of the situation.  And I got that splendid idea from Sister Barry (short for barracuda).  She had the nerve to sit her family down and tell them exactly what she wanted for mother's day.  And it wasn't one thing.  It was a whole list.

Wow wow wow.  She has such great ideas.  And this is the email  i immediately shot off to Big D.

Things I expect for Mother's Day

1) a potted plant to stick in our yard
2) breakfast at Tiffany's - but if you can't manage, then I'll take Steves
3) a 10 pointed note of why I make the sexiest mother
4) a sundress that makes me feel like a queen

I was half expecting a snark remark back of what an ungrateful, demanding fleabag I was, and I should be happy with the love he had for me that day.  But instead, I acquired a positive notice back that the message had been received with pleasure in his heart.

The next question from me was - would you like me to help you pick out the dress?  Or, would you like to attempt this almost impossible feat by yourself.  *Gasp* by himself was the reply.  I have to admit, I was quite frightened.  Big D has style appreciation like a turtle slurping down crab stew.  Doesn't really mesh.  But in a marriage, trust is important.  So I crossed my fingers and my toes.  And really, really hoped alot.

Sunday rolls around, and I am stoked. Mainly because it's a day I could care less about, but it was going to be filled with wonderful things.  I had no presumptuous ideas of how I would be treated, or special moments, or half attempted gleeful grins - like we try to do on birthdays and such.  It was just a regular old day with preplanned groovyness.

Breakfast was had.  I ate far too many jalapenos.  (Lately I can't get enough spiciness in my belly) 

 Then there were big snuggly naps.  And when we woke up my special dress appeared.  It was like a Christmas miracle (Merry Christmas mama)  Isn't she beautiful?  I don't think Big D has ever impressed me more - on so many different levels. 1) actual dress 2) actual store 3) actual price  If you know my husband - he likes cheap and athletic "mom" attire.  (Wow, another post for another day)  The qualifications of me feeling like a queen - check.  Double check, with a golden star.

My ten pointed list arrived at night - which I left to read the following morning.  You know, drag out the goodness.  I have hemmed and hawed once or twice, with a donkey kick thrown in for good measure - trying to decide if I should share my list.  As of today, it stays to me.  There are just too many things that I don't want to explain . . . . .  *ahem*

My plant?  It's waiting for a more glorious, spring like day to be picked out and loved appropriately.

Mother's day = success.  The part I didn't tell you about was how Big D decided it was his day to be the biggest poopy fleck smear in the attitude department.  But, I'm pushing that aside and swimming in the glee of good fortune that came my way.

I CAN NOT wait for next year.  Although Big D did say he thought my wants were a bit excessive. (after the fact of course)  He implied a birthday may be more appropriate for all of my demands. In my defense, it's alot harder being a mother and pushing out babies then it is to be born.

Take aways
1) Sister Barry Pants has good ideas
2) Sometimes husbands make smashing purchases
3) Never deprive yourself of spiciness
4) Never pass by an opportunity to celebrate


  1. I need texting, just I can text my list to hubby next year. If only for that sole purpose.

  2. Yes! Get texting. And then I will text you every day.
