Monday, May 20, 2013

Some People Call Money "Brad"

I don't know if other bloggers do this, but I subscribed Big D to my posts.  I think it's important that he stays abreast of the happenings here.  Sometimes he comes home from work and complains that I don't tell him what's going on - but the fact of the matter is:  he gets my posts the following day, and if I greeted him at the door sharing everything, then he wouldn't be an eager beaver to read what's happening right in his home.  Sometimes I feel bad for the old chap, having to find things out a whole day later - but it does make for a sparkly evening the following day.

Anyway, the whole weekend Big D has been pushing for me to write an explanation for his broken arm.  Personally I don't want to - but he want his name cleared.  So here's what happened.

His brother was getting married in FL somewhere, close to a beach.  And Big D and his cousin Weedy thought it would be appropriate to walk the beaches in the middle of the night, hours before the big affair.  Now, Big D is not very big - but he was farming at the time, so there were muscles in various places that could land him on his feet.  I don't think I need to go and explain Weedy.  Name is pretty self explanatory.

So they're walking and talking about what 20 year old country boys talk about:  how they wish the sun was up so they could look at girls, how incredibly heroic that one catch in that one football game was, how hungry they are, how excited they are for the open bar the next day, etc.  Men's stuff.

All of  sudden, two men appeared out of now where.  Hispanic men - maybe they were boyish. (I wasn't there)  They sauntered up to Big D and Weedy and said, "give me your brad".  And Big D said, "H to the no".  And then there was alot of punching.  Poor Weedy took off and left Big D to fend for himself. Which he did.  There was blood and body kicks and broken arms and lost watches.  And then the "brad" guys took off running.  And Big D and Weedy thought it would be incredibly appropriate to throw "brad" guy's shoes as far as they could into the ocean.  Then they went to bed.

The following morning Big D's brother came into the dimly lit hotel room and shrieked a mighty shriek.  Apparently there were large swollen lips and blue faces.  Weedy's mom applied alot of makeup that day, covering the shenanigans of the previous night.

Take Aways
1)  Big D holds this story near and dear to his heart.  Surrounding it with pride.
2)  Big D still thinks he can hold his own in a fist fight.  I think he has forgotten he is no longer a farmer.
3)  Sometimes I lean up into the car window and say, "give me your brad".
4)  Big D didn't know he broke his arm for a weeks after it happened.
5)  This happened just a few weeks before I met him for the first time.
6)  So Big D was still pumped up on adrenaline, and thought he was a king.

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