Saturday, May 25, 2013

Grumpy Sue = List Day

I am way way way way to tired and lazy to say anything fancy.  So it's list day!!!

1)  The amount of crumbs and food under my table could literally feed a family of chickens for a week.  (We don't sweep)

2)  My fancy purple drink container is still sitting in the corner.  It's making me mad.  It's like I just want to kick it.  And yell at it for being stupid, breaking as easily as it did.  (Maybe I'm too tired)

3)  I hate bananas.  Especially the bananus.  That part makes me gag.

4)  I am very much hooked on Leverage at the moment.

5)  I'm making a flower bed into a sand box because I have no idea how to grow things.

6)  All of the silverware in our house are dirty and sitting on the counter.  And they will sit there till Big D gets to them.  I'm boycotting silverware for the moment.  Or day.  Or days.

7)  I think I like reading Proverbs best.  So applicable.

8)  My couches have really nasty jack speckles and spots all over them.  They really are only from water.  And juice.  And spilled milk.  And greasy mac and cheese.  And drooled carrots.  And pee dribbles.  But the best part is:  when company comes over, and they look at the couch cautiously and contemplate which cushion to sit on.  I like watching that awkward moment take place.

9)  I'm working on not apologizing for the condition of our home.

10)  My favorite snack to eat after the kids are in bed is chicken Ramen noods with Siracha.  It's like an O in a bowl.

11)  Forgiveness is hard.  There are some big offenses swirling around out there.

12)  Churches are weird.

13)  I put underwear on in the middle of the night (don't ask) and I woke up with them on inside out and backwards.  Neat.  Hope the mites enjoyed that.

14)  Murnice has a planters wart, and she wants to keep it because it's not growing.

15)  My favorite part of putting the kids to bed:  as SOON as I'm done saying prayers, the kids race to see who can kiss me first.  Which always results in clunked heads, smashed lips, yanked nose rings, clawed eyes.  And snot.

Hoping your day is filled with magical moments.  Mine is going to end on a magical moment - tonight it's FRIDAY FRIENDS FRIDAY FRIENDS.  Yup, I'm that much of an eager beaver to see adults.

Take Aways
1)  Eat more Ramen and Siracha - it makes for a better disposition.
2)  Big D - go buy me more Ramen.
3)  Stop judging me for eating Ramen.  I only use half the flavoring package.

1 comment:

  1. I don't really sit on your floor because of your couch spots, fyi. I sit on the floor because it's next to Jake.
