Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Re-runs of the Weekend, Memorial Day

Every Memorial Day weekend, the family packs up and heads on over to my mom's sisters house. It's a big big house, with lots and lots of rooms.  (Know that song?)  It's a mini family reunion where we reune shopping.  My mother, Nan, has this slightly unhealthy obsession with TJMaxx and Marshalls.  We went to 6 of them back-to-back on Saturday.  And then Sunday even more of us headed to IKEA for way to many purchases that resulted in a game of tetris of boxes and people.  Another side note *Nan is also slightly obsessed with tetris. Do you see how the two go hand in hand?

The weekend sum diddly dummed up

My two lowest points:
1)  The time when I called Nan to ask where the car keys were so we could start loading up - and at that same exact moment 4 people started screaming at me (including Ed)  i got kinda excited.  Mostly at Ed.  I swear I told him to "BE QUIET" but Big D said that I told him to "SHUT UP".  I can't argue with him.  I was really REALLY excited.  (Nothing makes me more pleased than to be on the phone and have Ed weeping and wailing like a banchey.)  And while I was telling Ed to "be quiet" I also gave his bottom a gentle push away from me.  Normal people would have gotten the hint - move along.  Not Ed.  He locked up his legs and slightly twisted himself - so my gentle push sent him sprawling to  the floor, in a heap.  So what everyone saw who was sitting around me - and that would be everyone - was a very grumpy mother who screamed "shut up" to their kid and then sent him flying.

2)  Too difficult to explain - but it would include saying something that didn't need to be said.  Something squeaked out of my mouth that made me feel like an inferior naughty 2-year old.  Something to the effect of "it was a good thing i had my belt on - because it would have made Bruver Bear Wensleydale uncomfortable to see my buns".  Does it make it worse to know that we were having a faux mooning war?    Yup, said this to my very dignified, very proper Aunt, who's vehicle I was sitting in.  I do wonder if I will ever reach true adulthood. . .

Person I missed the most:
1)  I missed all my sisters - but Sister Bear I missed the most.  She is my shopping partner and tells me when I should not be making a purchase because something makes me look like a "mom".  Definitely do not want to look like a mom.  Also, she fights terribly with me.  She's a wild cat.  And she wallops bottoms worse then anybody else I know.  I did not miss that part.  Let me clarify - she wallops adult bottoms.  Because they jiggle and jive so nicely.

Best and favorite purchase:
1)  None.  I am pleased with the outdoor table Big D and I agreed on/purchased. The one that Big D dropped and shattered.  Ok, a corner is shattered.   I also was really pleased about my purple glass drink dispenser.  I was going to fill it up with water and lemon slices and keep it in the fridge.  It was going to be fancy and so lovely to look at.  But that broke too.  So I guess it's water out of the tap for us.  And I guess I should readily accept that "fancy" does not like to live here.

Favorite new person who came:
Bruver Bear Wensleydale's, Care Bear (aka gil frend).  It was good to get to her know her a bit better and to glance upon her beauty for longer than 3 seconds.

Greatest achieving moment:
The moment was the whole weekend - Big D and I did NOT get into a fight.  EVERY year we end up in some super special show down. (oh, memorial day weekend is our anniversary)  So we fight terribly on our anniversary and feelings get hurt and tears and anger.  So much anger. I'm sitting here growling just thinking about the anger.  But this year, I came into the weekend playing defensively - and it worked.  We snuggled every night.

Favorite taste bud moment:
Sweet Frog

Most disappointing moment:
Having our annual clothing exchange - and it was on par to watching a 90 year old tortoise eat lettuce.  When usually its like 10 naughty monkeys fighting over something super shiny and super perfect.  It didn't help that we were missing 4 lovely ladies.  *Betty Boop!  I have a bag of clothes for you!!*

Random spot where you just want to waggle your queenship:
My aunt gave me a large box of perennials plants.  Shade plants no less.  She went around her beautiful yard, hacking and sawing off baby plants and roots so that my yard can begin its journey to yumminess and I feel like a queen. That's what i will be doing today.  Lots of fancy planting.

Um, and that's all I can think of interviewing myself.  Any questions?!  Any questions?!

Take Aways
1)  Family time is time well spent
2)  Playing defensively is superior to playing offensively
3)  It is always better to have Big D smash things vs. me smash things

1 comment:

  1. Pushing Ed is kin to me growling and pulling Little Kid through the Outlet Mall parking lot because I have HAD IT returning clothes on the coldest. day. of. the. year. (Extra periods for emphasis.)

    You and I both need to run down to Sister Bear's and drag her out shopping with us because I need new clothes. Unless that nice bag of clothes you have for me holds visions of loveliness that actually fit my four-pounds-from-being-how-much-I-weighed-when-I-got-married body. Yes. Isn't that crazy?

    Now baby is pulling everything off my end tables and I should tend to him. And we need to plan another mid-week social gathering, since I have no social life.

    And I feel extra special being mentioned in yer blog.
