Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Reality is . . .

I have great thoughts about all the fancy things I'm going to say and write about here in this blog.  Most likely what will happen is I'll write the first 3 blogs like a true good blogger.  And then every 4 months after that I'll make a list-esq blog.  (Those actually are my favorite blogs because I don't have to come up with a "theme" or try to sound half way intelligent)  To be honest, I don't even know when I'm going to blog.  But isn't that what SAHMs do?  Blog? Make their lives sound fancy by posting delicious recipes they've made their families for dinner.  Or snapping shots of their over achiever eager beaver fort they made for their kids?  Everybody smiling nicely with really cute clothes from Naartjie or other various nice places. Yes, smiling with clean teeth and scrubbed faces.  Homemade popcorn in cute dishes laying artistically around.  Yes, that's what they do.  And even the bloggers who don't post rub-it-in-your-face photos, always have nice thoughts to write about - thought provoking, or encouraging.  (Just smile and nod boys - that's what I always think when I see or hear something that makes me squirm) (like nice blogs)

Anyway, all of that to say - I'm glad that I'm finally doing this blog thing - officially.  And most of my posts will be rants.  (I rant alot)  (I think it's because I'm a SAHM) (That's another thing bloggers do - write SAHM instead of stay at home mom; I officially understand why they do that.)  And I promise, I will always make you feel better about your life.

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