Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Day 14

I imagined I would be writing only about worms.  But the truth of the matter, it's hard to write about something when they hide so well.  In you and out of you.  So I've come to terms with writing about the whole healing journey.  (As if i haven't been doing that all ready)  I've just come to terms with it today, and that's why I'm saying all this.

So today's daily dose of article reading is going to be on the Epstein Barr Virus and how that affects our bodies.  I would love to know, did the chicken or the egg come first?  In layman's terms - really, how did I get here?  Because my whole previous life was a big shooting arrow straight to Hypo/hashi Land.  What if I didn't eat gluten?  Would that have made a difference? Or what if I didn't get mono ... ..would that have been the golden get out of Hellish Land for free ticket?

I think it was just meant to be.  I think it was ordained and orchestrated, and the question remains - what am I going to do with it?  It's almost as if I'm a real living Job.  Just minus all the death and destruction and open skin wounds and ashes and sackcloth.

My next article is about bath time and how important baths are for cleaning and clearing out the toxins in our bodies.  Actually that article doesn't say too much, just how to do it - but this one does. (If you scroll down)  Ha!  It's kinda like an oxymoron.  Bath time and cleaning.  Everybody knows that bath time is sit-in-your-own-filth time.

That's all I'm going to say today.  I want to say more on the topics of beauty and marriage, but I don't want to.  And I can't force it out.  I'm not a faker.  Including in the marriage bed.  There.  I said it.

I'm going to go eat now.  Leftover dinner from last night.  WHICH WAS AMAZING.  The next person to come over for dinner is getting it.  And they better pretend they like it.

Also, there's no dinner tonight.  It's too warm out.

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