Monday, September 12, 2016

Day 13

Day 56 of eating straight eggs for breakfast.  Literally, 56 straight days of eating eggs.  And only eggs.  No toast.  No bacon.  Sometimes an avocado.  One day I made coconut flour pancakes and pretended they were amazing.  And one day I made chia coconut milk pudding, and decided that eggs were actually a gift from Jesus himself.  "Oh but Foxy, chia pudding is amazing!  So much health in one little cup."  Yeah, well.  did your pudding have delicious things?  Like berries and chocolate wisps?  And some honey or maple syrup?  And some fairy wing sparkles and unicorn dandruff?  Well, mine had some unsweetened coconut milk, chia seeds and a few twigs and 14 pebbles.  I gagged most of it down, focusing on the health benefits.  But it literally tasted like cow snot.  So it's eggs over here.  Tomorrow it will be day 57.  Thank you Jesus for chickens.

I continue to poop.  I continue to assume/makeup/wish really hard, that the white things I see embedded in the poos are the cursed wildebeest worms.

Yesterday my mood was significantly low and testy.  I also didn't poop.  There is a large and significant probability that holding onto all those toxins for an extra day did NOT help.  I wish I had realized this before I went to bed.  Next time, enema for sure.  Guys, for real.  Toxins don't just affect physically, but also emotionally.  I also was dealing with a lot of anxiety.  Because basically I'm going to die any second.  The anxiety could be coming from thyroid, candida, wormlies, adrenal, just pick one.

Talking about adrenals.  Do you guys even know you have something called your adrenals?  They sit on top of your kidneys.  They're a pretty big deal slash, important.  I'm going to add this article.  Because I think Dr. Axe makes it's pretty simple to understand.  And then this article mainly because I liked the picture.

My poor poor adrenals.  I think they're about as dead as doornail.  I even read that it's really important to not watch tv shows that are exciting.  That's like everything I watch.  So I'm not watching anymore.  I guess it's going to be me and Doc Martin for awhile.  That and medicinal, unsweetened tea.  And a granny bedtime of 9:00.  And a silky soft pastel pink nightgown that goes down to the floor.  With puffed sleeves and 17 pearl buttons that go up the front, clear to my adams apple.


Guys, my beautiful Queenie got married this weekend.  Big D and I went sans babies.  First of all, it was 401 degrees.  And I was pleasered than a punch bowl that I wore a shorter dress.  But it did make it awkward when beads of sweat starting running down my legs.  That happened.  Also, with my ridiculously ridiculous diet, I had to leave the reception to go eat a boring piece of meat at the local pub on the corner. . . ... .... . .  So much fanciness I had to pass up.  "Ma'am, would like a whole bunch of fancy drenched in something you can't eat, topped with the devil himself?"  Oh the Self.  Re.  Straint.  I had to maintain.

Also, one of the best parts happened all too quickly.  Big D and I were trying to dance.  I say "trying" because we're old.  And this new music they have out there is stuff that makes dancing hard.  For old people.  But let me tell you, there were some not old people who were dancing just fine.  Anyway, so we're out there.  Clapping off beat.  Clucking our tongues.  Trying not to step on the 47th wine glass that got dropped.  Attempting to shake our skeletal money makers. . . . .. And this magical thing happened.  This drunked girl grabbed Big D and threw him into this mini dance circle.  2 guys and 1 girl and Big D crammed into the middle.  There was so much grabbing and twisting and humping and grinding and touching.  I thought it was the most spectacular event.  And over all too soon.  And Big D almost started crying. 

I need to wrap this up because I'm starving.

A plain burger on a bed of greens topped with sauteed onions
Boiled potatoes and carrots drowned in butter - not for me, of course.

And on an ending note, a question for all of you from Ed. Who is 5.
"What's worse than fake rocks at San Diego?"  His answer is bad angels.

The end.

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