Monday, July 1, 2013

Where I've Been - Day 2

I really out did myself on the weeny whiny baby part on day two.

Weeny Whiny Fit #1
Being woken up at 7am by a very eager beaver husband who could not wait to get to our destination for the day.  Hershey Park.

Weeny Whiny Fit #2
Having the tv turned off on me while I was watching a cat hoarder show snuggled up in bed, refusing to move my bottom and thoroughly enjoying cable.

Weeny Whiny Fit #3
Fit #3 never ended.  From the time we left the hotel until the time we pulled into our driveway back home I threw a fit.  I do want to say that I really tried my hardest to remember this trip was not about me.  But there were just some times were I couldn't keep it under cover a second more.

Honestly, I view amusement parks like a chore when you have children.  There is nothing amusing about them.  Just driving to one makes me want to turn around, right back to that cozy bed I left and watch cat hoarder shows.

Things that make me hyperventilate
1)  The line of cars just to get into the park
2)  The hot sun
3)  The amount of pavement.
4)  The masses of people that are all pleased as punch that they are at Hershey Park.
5)  I don't like pleased as punch people.
6)  The lines people commit to stand in just to go on a 30 second ride.
7)  The bathing suits that should be illegal to wear.
8)  The fast-food around every corner that cost 3 arms and 2 toe-nails.
9)  The incredibly awful/creepy waiters named Julian that ask stupid questions and stare too long.
10) Big D's over exuberant attitude about staying as long as possible.

Personally, I was ready to leave around lunch time.  Approximately an hour and a half and 3 rides in.  We had officially experienced the Hersh Park.

I really turned into a 2 year old at this point.   I will not go into details.

But I guess the highlight of day 2 began when Big D finally deemed it was allowable to leave.

It started raining.  And we only had a mile to walk back to the car.  And then it went from raining to - Jesus really wanted to host a spontaneous white tee-shirt contest but you didn't have to have a white tee-shirt to participate.  And then we couldn't open our eyes.  And the parking lot that was the size of a Hawaiian Island turned into an ankle-deep watering hole.

And Big D got really excited looking at me, because I looked like a drowned sewer rat - and that look really does it for him.  Or maybe he got excited because it looked like I was wearing spandex. Who knows.  But he was paying me extra attention.

And then the arguing began.  Big D thought it would be wise and pleasant to throw everybody in the car with all of our belongings and drive somewhere to change.

Now any mother knows this is the foolishest of foolish decisions ever.  If we did that, we would never get dry the whole way home - due to the car and seats soaking up our rat-hood.

So I put my foot down hard, which caused a mighty splash.

How we went from wet to dry and had a semi-pleasant ride home until we went to the Mulberry Cafe
1)  Undressed kids in Noah's flood and threw them into the car with a semi-dry towel. (a miracle gift from God)
2)  Shouted through the window to Murnice to dry herself off and then Ed.
3)  Opened the trunk and retrieved kids clothes in approximately .00034 seconds and threw them in the car.
4)  Shouted more instructions through the window to Murnice.
5)  Wisked all drowned clothes into a pile and then found a bag collection that was supposed to go to Weggers but was forgotten about for such a time as this.
6)  Shouted more instructions to get into car seats.
7)  Adult clothes came off - all thoughts of modesty don't waft around when you are in survival mode.
8)  Laughed that we could see daddy's peener.
9)  Jumped into mostly dry car and finagled clothes on.

I would like to point out that Jesus did stop the rain for a few minutes in that 30 minute wet clothes/dry clothes dance so that we could do few vital car rearrangements.  Thank you Jesus.

Take Aways
1)  Never, never agree to discounted homeschooler tickets to amusements parks again.
2)  Smile smugly that when mother says it's time to go, that mother knows best.  And if we had left when mother said lets go - we would have been very dry and pleasant all the way home.  And had time to go to Olive Garden vs. Mulberry Cafe that ended up being a rodent hole.  AND we would have gotten home before midnight.

1 comment:

  1. I found this post relatable because Jake throws fits too. harhar... Glad we didn't go. I got to be grumpy all day Thursday at my own house.
