Thursday, May 23, 2013

Conviction Notice x2

Conviction came twice today.  Hot dingle berry.

I'm just going to clear something up real quick.  I don't think the topic of sex is a private discussion.  I do think the intimate re-runs of the previous night should only be shared with close friends and neighbors.  But definitely not broadcasted to the whole world.  Kidding.  Intimate re-runs of the previous night are up to your own discretion on who should be privy to that . . .

For example:  something weird happens, bodywise.  You are going to want to run that by a friend to see if a) you're weird b) you're normal c) you're not the only one d) ew and emergency  OR, maybe you have this unspoken contest going on between you and some other weird person with an issue concerning sketchy locations.  Maybe not sketchy, but unusual.  And then of course there's always the instance where YOU. WERE. BROUGHT. TO. TOWN. and you go to work showing your teeth a little bit more, maybe a giggle or two.  And somebody says to you - why are you so gleeful?  And you say, "BECAUSE MY HUSBAND EXECUTED HIS GOD GIVEN RIGHT TO SPANK ME AND HE SPANKED ME GOOD".  Ok, maybe you wouldn't actually say that.  You might just say that with your eyes.  I might say that though.  I'm not ashamed or embarressed or too prudeful to share the goodness that rained down.  This thing that God created.  And it is GOOD.

So anyway, my whole point is - I talk about sex.  And I don't do it to make people feel uncomfortable.  I do it because it's natural for me.  And if any of my sex talk offends you - I truly am sorry.  And just skip over that part . . .

Back to my convictions.

Conviction 1)  I found this website called boundless.  It's for christian young adults and they have topics like marriage, sexuality, singlehood, etc.  I jumped right to the sexuality part.  I always find it interesting what christians have to say about sex.  And I happened across this article.  I am SHOCKED that there really are people in the world who feel this way.  Not judging.  Not judging.  Just shocked.  So I read.  Top to bottom.  I gobble-de-gooked it right down.  But then she said something.  She, the responder.  And it went like this:

--------------------Sex is an essential part of God's good design for marriage (Genesis 2:18-25). It provides the opportunity for much pleasure, as well as the possible miracle of creating new life. But even more, sex is His means for uniting husband and wife uniquely. That's why, in the words of Gary Thomas, Satan is so intent on getting people to have as much sex as possible outside marriage and as little sex as possible within it. It's the physical picture of a spiritual reality: the one-flesh union.------------------------------------------------

I know this isn't a struggle for everyone.  But having boom boom time on a regular basis is challenging for me.  Very challenging.  The kids and the tiredness and the poop and the body hair. . .   And if I can remember that this is an attack, and that its on purpose that it's challenging - why wouldn't I fight harder.  For good to reign.  For goodness.  I say WOW.

Conviction 2)  While I sit in the sun for my allotted one hour pleased-as-punch-time, I've been reading this jizz-nizzely book.

It's like reading the KJV bible. The words are twirly.  And sometimes you get jealous that you can't be as fancy as the writer - but the actual heart of the book is so lovely.  So true.  So juicy and needed.

The writer is talking about not being present in the moment.  Hurrying through life.  Reaching for the next glorious, grin maker.  Yes, yes - guilty.  These dishes are gross and poop cleaning is worse.  And then dear sweet Ann says, 

------------------"Being in a hurry.  Getting to the next thing without fully entering the thing in front of me.  I cannot think of a single advantage I've ever gained from being in a hurry. But a thousand broken and missed things, tens of thousands, lie in the wake of all the rushing . . .Through all the haste I thought I was making up time.  It turns out I was throwing it away."--------------------------------------------------------------------

Super, super guilty.

Take Aways
1)  Have slow boom boom time
2)  Thank you Jesus for loving me enough to tell me that I need to ENJOY (slowly)
3)  Struggling in finding what's so great about changing another poopy diaper at 9:30pm
4)  The key to happiness, change diaper slowly while sniffing heartily
5)  I have alot of attitude to work on  


  1. wow, that article. The response was well done. And taking in the moment is something that struck me from reading 1000 Gifts as well, and it has helped me a lot at work. I notice I am less stressed when I don't hurry. I have by no means arrived but I have experienced how it was meant to be.

  2. I am so glad you are reading it. Juicy, juicy. When you are finished, I will read it again. I have to remember all the things to be thankful for, even if it is the thousand tree helicopters on our carpet. Love. Now I am going to go read that article.
