Thursday, July 25, 2013

Swapped Butt Juice

Bruver Bear (B. B.) Wensleydale and B. B. Bobby are still living at home.  Which means that I get to see them every morning and during the working day - because they work with me at the pool teaching swim lessons.  I won't say that I see them at night because they are off with their hussy ladies that care WAY too much about their appearance.

Anyway, B. B. Bobby always gets up so cheerful and eager to great the day.  B. B. Wensleydale wakes up wanting to kill everything in sight.  Including me and B. B. Bobby.  Bobby eats breakfast with me every morning and Wensleydale is just rolling out of bed when Bobby and I are leaving for work.  Bobby and I chat morning pleasantries.  Wensleydale growls worse than I do when I haven't had morning tea.

So last week, Bobby and I were eating breakfast, exchanging morning smiles - him filling me in on the hussy evening (which. just. gets. my. blood. BOILING.)  And who do you suppose comes charging through kitchen doorway?  Bruver Bear Wensleydale, that's who.  Oh, and he was gruff.  Actually, livid.

Bobby is just a hair larger than Wensleydale.  But Wensleydale is older.  And both of them have matching swim trunks.  And they both hate that they have matching swim trunks.  But that's what Mother bought.  Mother loves.  LOVES for us to match.  It's hideous and a curse.

When Sister Bear and I were younger, we had to make family matching outfits for pictures or vacations.  And Mother never bought appropriate material.  Material that would make us look somewhat like a normal family.  She would only buy the loudest, brightest, most laugh appropriate fabric.  Neon cats or huge toucan jungle theme.  Mmmm fond memories.

So, apparently Wensleydale (who is more grumpy about the matching suits than Bobby is) told Bobby to NEVER to hang up their suits next to each other (when drying - or ever)  And for whatever reason the suits got too close to each other the night before.

Which brings me back to Wensleydale, who is now livid standing in the kitchen doorway.  With his brow furrowed down into his nose hair, he roared, "GIVE ME BACK MY SUIT".  To which Bobby responded, "oh, I just thought my abs got a little bigger".  And then Bobby shook and smooshed his manly buns (while still sitting) all around in multiple circles singing, "I'm naked in your swim suit, I'm naked in your swim suit".  Which got Wensleydale REALLY excited.  And then I think there was some mooning, and maybe a few punches.  Followed by an exchange of swapped butt juice trunks.

Take Aways
1)  Yes, this is what I'm living with for the next 3 weeks.
2)  Please pray that neither fellas get mixed up with my swim suit.
3)  Don't ever match your kids or cousins or friends.  It only invokes awful memories.


  1. Glad you had time to hit the publish button on this one during your lunch break today. Good for a chuckle.

  2. I can totally see how that played out as I have seen many, many a similar event during my time here.
