Tuesday, June 25, 2013

4 of the Boringest, but Essential Things That Needed to be Said

Couple of things I want to say.

1)  Is it whiny of me to encourage you readers to share my blog with others who might need to feel better about their life? I say this mainly because I like seeing my page views go up.  It makes me feel fancy.  And I really do feel passionately about giving woman permission to live truthfully. To be more honest in their actions and life story.

Ok - moving on from my selfish demands.

2)  Something really unusual happened this past Saturday.  I was at the grocer (by myself- aka a party) and while I was rounding the corner to move down the next aisle, this woman walked straight toward me - holding eye contact. (RUN!!!)  She handed me some coupons and said, "here, I'm not using these".  I told her thank you and felt a little confused.  They ended up being free coupons for a pack of spare ribs and a small cheesecake.  Free.  $25 worth of luxury items. 

I have analyzed this happening, and this is what I like to think

a)  God wanted to remind me that there is still goodness in the world
b)  God wanted to encourage me to continue to share meals with others

because . . .

3)  Lately I've been getting kinda obsessed with sharing food with people.  I don't know if it's because it's summer and eating outside is so much easier and lovelier than eating inside cramped at our Tiny Tim table.  Or, maybe it's because I'm so lonely for adult interaction I'll do anything for it.  Or maybe, I'm just getting fancier with old age - and inviting people over isn't a big deal anymore.  Ok, it's still a big deal.  Maybe just not as scary as it used to be.  I guess I'm just feeling a little more brave in that area.  Which is a lot to say for an introvert.

4)  This kinda goes hand in hand with #3.  There has been a lesson whirling in the wind, and as of recently I have chosen to be wise and claim it for myself.  The lesson goes like this.  Sharing food with others is really great.  It's not only biblical, its part of community.  But sharing food can be really scary.  Because we open ourselves up to be vulnerable.  "come into our homes, look at how we live life, look in our bathroom cupboards, eat the food we cook, use the forks that still have hardened cheese from last week" etc.  All of that can get in the way.  And boggle up our minds.  And make us too proud.  And we miss the whole point.  The whole point of being together and living life.  And loving.  And sharing.  And building.  We make up these lies (or we listen to lies) of not being a fancy enough cook, or not having enough food or money, or space or time.

 I've gathered this lesson from Friday Friends.  They have broken all of those boundaries, refusing to hold captive to the lies.  We have eaten together in rat holes.  At 10 at night.  When there's only 7 hotdogs to share amongst 8 of us.  Time doesn't matter.  Space doesn't matter.  Cleanliness and fanciness doesn't matter.  And I'm really really liking the truth of this lesson.

Take Aways
1)  Eat with others.
2)  Share with others.
3)  Work at being vulnerable.
4)  Don't call your husband at work and tell him that you took the door off the hinges because you got mad at the darn thing for not opening properly and while you were handling the heavy door it managed to slip from your fingers and smash out a window pane.
5)  He won't think it's funny.

Fun Fact
There is nothing fun going on over here.  Ed is pooping and Murnice is taking a shower x2 because she can't manage to rinse off the conditioner the first time around and then she looks like Slick Dick and it makes me crazy.


  1. So are you inviting us over for spare ribs and cheesecake? At least you have dessert, since we both know that was MIA at our delightful dinner party...

  2. 1) Cheese cake almost gone - and the rest is probably rotten now
    2) You want reruns of piglet dinner?
