Thursday, August 21, 2014

Heart-Lead with No Guilt

So . . . . ice bucket gallore . . . .filling up my newsfeed.  (AHEM!!!!!) I am a desperate SAHM who needs to be entertained a tad more than to watch everybody (literally) and their brother, father, sister, and mother . . .  .AND NOW CHILDREN????!!!!!!! dump semi icy water over their head.  In the name of bringing awareness to a disease.

I'm going to guess that this post will cause some mixed emotions.  So be it.

1)  I am aware of ALS
2)  It is a horrible disease and way to die
3)  I watched a family friend fade
4)  I truly feel awful that humans die this way and that family members and friends can only watch helplessly
5)  I am not passionate about this disease
6)  I will not be doing the ice bucket challenge
7)  And I don't feel guilty for feeling this way

I can feel empathetic, but that doesn't mean that I need to feel guilted into doing some sort of silly stunt just to let the world know that "I'm a good person".

In the privacy of our own home, where the world can't see - besides Big Brother - Big D and I are bombarded with hurts of this world.  Sorrows, misfortunes, turmoils, wrongs - all results of sin.  So much illness and disease.  So much death, in horrible ways.  So much struggle just to survive.  And in our privacy, we open our hearts to hear what God has to say to OUR FAMILY, personally.  Where does he want us to quietly give.  Doesn't he tell us to not let the right hand know what the left hand does? (I think - somewhere)(Yup, Matthew 6:3)


Honestly, I'm kind of disgusted.  All this outrage over ALS.  But what about so many other things.  Why is nobody vomiting all over my newsfeed in the name of abortion?  Or the ISIS crisis?  Or sex trafficking?  Or child pornography? Or orphans?  Or a million other things that are plaguing our society and world.  Are those things too big?  Or too far away from OUR world?  We can't touch them personally, so we jump on the ALS bandwagon because our friend's dad's cousin died 11 years ago.

I'm not trying to make fun of this, I'm just completely wondering why?  Why ALS?  And why did the world literally ALL decide at once that THAT was a good thing to do? 

And who's sending the money?  If you read what most people write - dump ice water over your head in 24 hours OR get penalized and send $100 to ALS.  Is there some sort of ALS ice bucket police out there?  And is the money being sent, guilt money?  Who wants guilt money?

The whole thing is bizarre and makes me shake my head.  Those who feel passionate about this disease are already doing what they feel is right according to their heart.  Donating anyway.  Supporting in the ways they can, anyway.

But telling everybody to feel the same way, and do the same thing - because facebook told me too . . . . . . . .

I think the world would be a much better place if we just did what Jesus told us to.  And that being - love our neighbor as our self.  If we all looked inside our inner-souls, and listened to what spoke to our hearts - and then gave in whatever way we could to THAT - wouldn't it be a much grander thing?  The whole world would be touched in someway.  Because we all are different.  With different thoughts, feelings, emotions, ideas, convictions.  Our hearts are all pulled differently. 

Why can't we be heart-lead?  Instead of facebook lead.

And on a sidenote, I kinda liked this article regarding the whole thing.

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