Monday, January 6, 2014

A Few Words from FoxyBigLittleBits

Don't wizzle in your pants - or anything.  I know I've been slacking horrifically.  And have had many tongue lashings by "those" who feel they are allowed to give tongue lashings.  . . . . . But the holidays are so distracting.  And I've been slumped on my couch.  And it's hard to have anything interesting and of worth to say when you're slumped and distracted.

So this will be a boringesque-Christmasesque letter type of update.


Thanksgiving at Mother's is always hectic, frantic, and somewhat overwhelming.  Loads of people.  Mostly family.  But there are always some guests whom I've never met before.  I always wonder in those situations what "they've been told".  Because you know they've been given the run-through of who is who and all that nonsense.  I know this happens, because I do it.

Everybody is required to bring some food contribution.  And that's always fun cooking on a stove that has 2 burners that work (the small ones) and a poor oven that's over worked and under paid.

This year we fed the kids first and then sent them to watch a movie.  It was also the first year that both I and Big D ate in peace.  Full peace.  I don't think I'll ever forget that meal.  (I'm definitely getting excited just thinking about all the gravy I ingested.)

At Mother's, there is no such thing as sitting-and-letting-your-meal-digest.  No.  It's straight to work.  Mother promptly starting handing out "work cards".  This is where she wrote down all the jobs that needed to be done, in order to clean up from dinner.

Now this brought me great pleasure.  NOTHING gets me more excited to see some lazy bottom, sitting around and letting "others" clean up a mess, that THEY have contributed to.  And I don't mean to sound too sexist right now . . . . but it's mostly the men folk who participate in this rudely behavior.

So Mother passes these cards out.  Well actually, we got to pick our own card (blindly).  Some people got off real easy.  Wipe off counters.  Others had more challenging tasks.  Wash all the pots and pans.

The most glorious part - everybody had to participate.  The most laziest of lazys, new and old.

Then the fliers come out (black friday).  And everybody gets a little frantic, and the breathing gets heavy.  And with all the heavy breathing - somebody gets hungry.  And they pull out all the dessert.  And I think, "so soon?"

And that's Thanksgiving.


I did all of my shopping online, from my couch.  It was the most perfect decision I've made in a long time.

Big D and I don't give each other anything.  So many less emotions to deal with that way.

Although, I did buy Big D some beer soap.  Because it makes me feel crazy thinking about the chemicals he smears around his body in the name of cleanliness.  So I found some homemade manly soap.  But chose to give it to him immediately, instead of waiting for Christmas morning.  His rate of appropriate approval is greater if I just give it to him versus wrapping it up and making a big "special" deal about it.  And it worked in my favor.  He likes his beer soap.  And feels like a dragon king smearing it all over his manly bits.    

The kids open their gifts on Christmas eve.  Which frees up Christmas day of tears and anxious hearts of not wanting to leave their new junk at home while we visit all of the hometown family.

Christmas day is not my favorite.  Although I love the spirit and preparation of it.  Music included.

Ed is starting to play by himself.  Key word - starting.  It really is a Christmas miracle.  He still prefers to sit on top of me on the couch.  He poops in the pot like a champ.  He is also a lazy pee-er.  Which means that he squirts 42 pee dribbles on whatever he's wearing BEFORE he decides he should use the restroom.  He is still sleeping on our bedroom floor in his "nest".  And he'll be there until he's 17.  He sleeps soundly through all adult activity.  (I sleep through all adult activity too) (Kidding)  When he's mad at somebody or something - he will call them or it a "stupid beagle".  Yup, too much Merry Christmas Charlie Brown.  And I think it's hysterical.  But I don't let him know.  I am somewhat of a responsible mother.

Don't really have a lot to say about Murn.  Once they reach a certain age . . . . it's like . . . . .she's hates everything.   And everything is a fight.  . . .  So, a few months ago, Murnice thought it was funny to scare Ed.  On multiple occasions.  Let the punishment fit the crime I say.  (And it's a punishment that will last many years)  She is now responsible to go with Ed anywhere and every time he's "scared".  It's magical.  She's is also learning the hard lesson of showing grace and a generous spirit.  And thank the Lord, she is starting to love reading.  (But I still have to force the reading time)

The stains never end.  I had a Norwex party a little bit ago.  And Couch got a scrubbing for the guests.  She looked pretty for 1/2 the night.  I've also decided that Couch smells musty and uninteresting.  And somewhat disgraceful.  So she'll be getting a flushout soon.  In the meantime, she's still super sweet and inviting to me.  And never judges.

Words Spoken by God
It's really easy for me to get wrapped up in other people's misfortune.  And then I feel guilty.  Guilty that I'm not going through something horrific or that I don't have any hardships right now in my life.  So I was chatting with God about all of this - I can't remember in what context - but I remember just feeling guilty that I have such a pleasant life.  And then God said to me, "don't feel guilty for the things that I've blessed you with."

God is not the God of guilt.  Guilt does not come from God.  He brings truth and understanding.  And I'm really thankful for his permission to be glad in what he has given.

For those of you that don't struggle with all of that - stop judging  this baby truth.

And that's all I'm going to write.  And hopefully soon, I'll feel the need to have another episode of diarrhea of the mouth.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Glad you're back! I was going to tongue lash and then I found your new posts. I was wondering how you all made it through the holidays.
