Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Fifteen Ways? Double-Time With an Extra "Ew"

 As if trying their hand at one list wasn't enough.  They had to write another list.  A lady list.  And I thought the man list was as stupid as pie.

The lady list is a joke.  I think.

And just to make sure that I'm not cold hearted, mean spirited, and as rude as a rabid turkey, I asked Friday Friends what they thought.

Prepare yourselves.  Gird your loins. . . .

Fifteen Ways to Please Your Wife
  1. Hug and kiss her every morning before leaving the house.
  2. Go to bed at the same time she does.
  3. Brush her hair while complimenting her eyes and appearance.
  4. When she's studying herself in the mirror, tell her, "You are so beautiful."
  5. Evict late-night television from your bedroom.
  6. During mid-afternoon, call or send her an email to ask how her day's going.
  7. Try your hand at making breakfast on Saturday morning.
  8. Put gas in her car, vacuum the floor mats, and clean the windows.
  9. Write her a short love letter. List several ways she has blessed you this year.
  10. Resurrect common courtesies: Hold the car door open. Offer her your arm.
  11. Put the toilet seat down.
  12. If you hear her engaged in a tough situation, compliment the way she handled it.
  13. When you're together in a crowd, find a way to brag on her.
  14. Help her put the kids to bed.
  15. Pray with her every day. Every day!
And since I can't keep my mouth shut.  And because I'm feeling extra saucy this afternoon, here's my list to Big D.

Fifteen Ways to Please Your Extra Saucy Kitty Kat.

 1.  Before leaving the house, tell me I sparkle like the sun and smell like the moon.  And that I have the harder job
2.  I don't care what time you go to bed, but when you do decide it's the right time - make sure the house is closed up in a proper manner and the kids are still breathing.  Try your hardest to be thorough with this task.  As it drives me completely wild when "close up time" is done haphazardly.
3.  You touch me with a hair brush - I'll spank your bottom.  But you can tell me that my old tired eyes have never looked more lively and lovely.  And that my body is more magical than David Copperfield.  And out of control, sizzily. And that if I were a steak, I would be extra well done.
4.  I don't want to be caught looking at myself.  So just ignore any glimpses you get of that happening, at all cost.  But things that would be appropriate to say to me:  a)  your boobs have never looked perkier b)  your buns are tighter than an over-done meat platter c) what fine chiseled legs you have . . .  and other fine things of that sort.
5.  Bring the tv into the bedroom.  I may spend more time in bed.  I may offer my body as a love offering in a more substantial manner.
6.  DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT call me during the day.  Send me emails.  And don't ask how my day is going.  If it's that bad - you will be hearing from me.  If you don't hear from me, then the chances of us all being alive when you get home, are great.
7.  I am offended by #7
8.  Don't waste your time.  Although, I do love getting into my car and seeing a full gas tank.  (I can't remember the last time I had to fill the gas tank - don't be hating ladies.)
9.  Yes, yes.  Write me lots.  But write when you're pissed at me.  It's a lot more fun to keep track of that.
10.  Don't waste your time.  Unless I get knocked up again.  And then come pull me out of the car.
11.  If there was ever a time you didn't put that seat down, I would scoop all the poopy toilet water up and dump it on your bed.  And then you could swim your bare buns around in sludge.
12.  When I start complaining about the stupidity of some people, agree with me.
13.  When we're in crowds, try your best to keep me away from people you know.  I tend to say things that make everyone involved feel weird.  It's best to just stash me in a small corner and to bring me drinks and food.  But if it's a crowd thingy with no food or drinks, keep me home.
14.  This lady is a raging lunatic.
15.  This is all manly and such, but you should pray for me, more.  I sometimes get real itchy to throw something.  Or dump dinner down the drain.

I have no closing thoughts or comments.

The end.

I puked.

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