Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Re-runs of the Weekend

I had a whiz of a weekend.  I knew it was going to be intense, so when I got up around 6am on Saturday, I appropriately put my girdle of strength and protection on.

I pulled into work at the beautiful time of 7:30 and the games began.

--------What I do for work:  4 hours a week I direct a community school age swim program.  I love what I do.  I'm good at what I do.  I feel confident in what I do.  I smile (sometimes) while I'm doing what I do.----

To make a very long and drawn out and incredibly angering and blistering spirited and really exciting story short - one of my employees did not show up for work.  Not really the end of the world if it was just that.  But the part that I didn't mention was:  it was parent's day, the last day of the program, the day that the parents get to sit in the pool area and watch what the instructor has been instructing for the past 9 weeks, the day that the children get their report cards and candy, and the day that hours of paperwork has to be filled out.  That day.  That fine glorious day.

I am so so so thankful that I am confident in what I do.  I am so so so thankful for the remaining staff that surrounded me with support and stood in for their co-worker.

Essentially, every hour, I had to fill out between 3-5 report cards in 15 minutes, each report card consisting of around 30 skills.  Then I received the beautiful gift of apologizing to not only the kids but also to their parents.  And then we stole candy from the other instructors and smiled nicely while we passed it out.

It was beyond one of the worst Saturday mornings I've had in a long time.  By 10am I had a raging headache.

The part that I didn't tell you:  the MIA instructor was contacted by numerous coworkers and then the aquatics director, and she had the audacity to lie to all of them of where her report cards and candy were.  She also informed the world that she had told ME that she wouldn't be at work that day.  I "har-hard" at that information and smiled nicely.  Oh, and I set the record straight.

Then I threw on my skinny purple cords and ran off to a Norwex gig.  (With both kids because Big D wanted to play tennis)(Now that sounds unusually nice of me - and that is because just 2 weeks before, we had one of the most exciting, heated fellowships/bar room brawls over tennis, and quite frankly I just didn't have the energy to perform at that same level . . .with the headache and all)  I'm not going to sit here and explain what Norwex is.  Google it if you must.  The show was at my SIL, Honey's house.  Now Honey is 43.  All of her friends, 85.  It was grand.  There was talk of dead husbands, and the jewelry that was made/left for them and a naming of all the people that call them "grandma" who aren't their real grandchildren.  It was exciting.  And then I left.

Because . . . Iss and her husband were coming to sit on my couch !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I love nothing more then to have people come and sit on my couch.  I love sitting on my couch. Just sitting.  Sit, sit, sit.  My bottom is growing rounding (on the sides) and flatter by the minute.  It's all flab. All encompassing flab.  Jiggly, jiggly, jiggly - all from sitting.  On my couch. 

And we sat.  And hooted and hollered at each other.  And asked silly questions just to hear the other one talk.  Sometimes we even snarled.  One time I even bore my one canine tooth.  And we did things like:  going to festivals, and looked at weird men, and ate really yummy food that the good Lord gave to us (I love being thankful for food)(and I'm learning to be thankful for bad things too.)  And then we watched Cops - because everybody should be entertained by Cops at least once in their life.  And then we went to bed.

Take Aways
1)  I stopped on Saturday because Sunday is too long to add on
2)  Maybe tomorrow I'll talk about Sunday and reveal some of my heart
4)  My headache finally disappeared around 6pm with water, ibuprofen, and prayer
5)  Praise the Lord!!!
6)  I get very angry when I'm screwed over
7)  Working on forgiveness
8)  I love my couch more then you love your couch
9)  I wished I could have stayed at Honey's party a tad longer. I love hearing old people stories
10) For real - no sarcasm


  1. I wish I'd known. I could've come in. All the same congrats on handling things well and I'm ever so glad you found grace in your day.

  2. Even if you'd come in, I still would have been just as over whelmed. It was all stuff that I had to do, just because of my experience. But you are sweet to have offered :)
