Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Day 2

I'm still alive.

But never have I ever walked around with tighter/flabbier clenched buns.  The whole point of a worm infestation cleanse is to get rid of the worms.  And I'm walking around keeping them in like they're the greatest.  Or something special.

Petrified.  To release my anal sphincter.  I did it.  Twice so far.  I did find that having a stool under my feet (like the squatty potty) encouraged relaxation.

Poop 1
I got out of bed this morning feeling tired.  And wouldn't you know, I'm stumbling around trying to find dirty clothes on the floor to put on, and a hairbrush to brush my remaining 103 hairs on my head - those worms start knocking.  HELLO!  Let the girl put on some deodorant before she has to face the fangs.

I clenched real good till I was ready for the day aka the worms.  I even frushed my teeth.  I was completely ready.  Like, if the UPS man came - I was that ready.  And then I answered the call of the wild worms.

It doesn't do anybody any favors to whip their body around after every ker-plop.  It's a fine way to have to clean the bathroom a few times a day.  Patience is a virtue.  And a fine virtue to put into practice.

Alas, I saw nothing.  And was completely relieved.  And completely disappointed.

Poo 2
Every time my poo stalls, I imagine a long worm stuck, half in-half out, writhing wildly.  Guys, fangs are real.
  So, yup.  Moving on.
Anyway, I consorted to patience this time.  And when I was done I saw lots and lots of tiny, minuscule white line thingsies. Complete satisfaction knowing that something was dying.  Smug.  And pleased.

How I'm feeling:
Day 2 was when others started to feel gross from the toxins starting to multiply due to worm death.  I am pleased to say that I feel no different minus being slightly more tired and slightly nauseous.  Sounds like I'm pregnant.  Maybe I am! (with worms)  I've been following my tea and crumpet aka worm killer pills schedule like a kindygartner.  And once again feeling smug that I have managed to stay on track for 1 1/2 days.

Lets talk about last night first.  Chicken and beans are a common occurrence around here.  But throw in some rutabaga soup and literally, batten down the hatches, secure your valuables, life is no more as it once was.  Big D threw an entire chopped up jalapeno pepper in his small portion.  Murn ate hers for breakfast with much lamenting.  Ed cried and gagged his one required spoonful until daddy bribed him with a whole chicken leg if he finished his 1/8 of a cup serving. (Didn't you know that chicken legs are cool?  And worthy of gagging and choking down 4 spoonfuls?  They are.)  WW wasn't even offered any.  And I ate my bowl, pleased as punch, knowing that I was killing off candida.

Big D called me this morning (because we never see each other) to ask how I felt.  Awkward, and what is that supposed to mean . . . ? Well, somebody had a tummy ache and wasn't feeling very well and wanted to know if it was the soup.  *Why yes!  You figured out my life squelching secret - I was trying to poison you all with rutabaga soup*  2 things:  a) maybe your tummy doesn't like the entire pepper you crammed down your throat or b) maybe when I said you have too much yeast in your body, maybe I was right.   Those are my best two guesses.  All other guesses are not my best.

But dinner tonight?  It's going to be equally as awesome.  As dinner is, every night.
Sahwid with avocado green goddess dressing aka tear and gag-reflex inducing pig slop

1)  When naming a blog, be wise.  Never name it something you'll regret.  Like, "Whispers of Love" or "The Witherhalls's Happenings" or "Bluebirds Sing the Beauty of the Earth".  You're going to wake up someday and not want to talk about how love whispers anymore.  Or fun zoo trips.  Or how you gathered a whole bouquet of wildflowers on your evening walk.  Maybe you'll wake up some day with your mind a fizzled mess of slow fog, and the best you can do is talk about poop.
2)  Life is a continual of changing seasons.  Really really embrace each one.  I know that I won't be talking about poop forever.  Someday I'll have life altering epiphanies and wisdom words and life giving faith speaks.  But that's not today.  And I'm ok with that.  And you should be ok with the season that you're in too.

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