Thursday, November 6, 2014

Homskul iz Grat

These are the days that I love, love homeschooling.  These.  This.  It happens once every 5 million years - but in these very rare instances, when all the stars align in the most glorious way.  When I can breath for two seconds.  And love, grateful for most.  I love homeschooling.

First it starts with the weather.  And there is no set perfect "love homeschooling" weather.  But today is the most perfect, most quintessential day of fall.  Dark.  Miserably dark.  Turn-the-lights-on-so-you-don't-trip dark.  Misty and sometimes rainy.  Leaves still on the trees.  But half on the ground.  And cold.  It must be cold for a quintessential fall day.

I have one lamp on in the house.  I figured I would take my chances tripping. And haven't so far.

The kids:  One is completely naked, one is wearing a swim suit cover-up, and one is properly clothed.

Me?:  Yes, yes.  Still looking like Miss Hannigan

This week, I have decided to take off from the drudgery.  Take a break from the brow beating.  We've worked for 11 weeks without a break.  So, well deserved for all.  But mostly me. 

I have a 3 year old, naked man figuring out a 60 piece puzzle.  He won't stop talking.  And I dream about yelling with the all the strength of 1000 earthquakes, "please, please SHUT UP".  But I don't.  I don't know when the next magical moment is going to come.  And what if I squashed it, and then it never came?  So I let him talk, and say "mama" 14 times in a row before he forms the rest of the sentence.  And 99 out of 100 times it's something like:  "mom, do you think this piece goes here?"  But that 1 out of 100 times is so worth it.  "mom, when you were a little boy, did you have a big scrotum?"

Murnice, hiding in the corner with all 20 Beanie Babies we got from Great Grandmother.  So much imagination in the corner.

And this, all this, is why homeschooling is so great.  Always together.  Naked or not.  Imagination growing and working.  We can move slow, or we can move fast.  I can look like a swamp donkey and snuggle just as effectively.

Today, I choose to ignore the pee-laden bathroom.  It will still be there tomorrow.  I will drink another cup of tea.  I most likely will ignore lunch time and just pull our a bag of chips for the naked man and half clothed girl to fight over.  And they'll feel like kings and queens eating chips for lunch.  I will strive to make dinner.  And if not, we'll have toast.  With lucky butter.  And if the stars stay aligned, I will attempt to start my fall sewing.  Fall is for sewing.  And re-vamping.  And freshing-up and re-decorating.

Also, I broke a knife on a head of garlic.  The middle of the blade snapped.  My birthday knife is no more.

Take Aways
1)  Attempt to look like a swamp donkey more than not
2)  Eat chips only more than not
3)  Be naked more than not
4)  Stay away from garlic more than not
5)  Don't paint your lamp in Easter egg colors, ever

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