Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Day 8

I can feel my brain withering of words.  It's over here like, "Foxy, you done good thinking of things to say, last week.  But that tired us out so we're going to leave you high and dry okbyebye."

I said I was going to write during this cleanse and by golly I'm going to do it.  Even if I have to recite poetry.

So, yesterday was my 50th day of being on the candida cleanse.  And somehow it slithered by without fanfare, or toots from a horn, or even a clap parade.  I literally feel jipped and now I have to wait another whole 50 days till I can properly celebrate with ... . ..... ..... ..........     .  . . cooked cauliflower .... . . . . and water .............. . . .and maybe some chicken.  I'll add some extra salt just to give it a good party flavor feel. 

Extra thought for the day:  you know when you get a small hunk of food that just sits in your throat cavities, and after a bit you notice them so you decide to hack them back up to re-chew and re-swallow?  It doesn't happen to you?  Apparently I'm supernaturally blessed in all forms. (minus the boob form)  Anyway - so what if it's a worm that somehow is exiting through the mouth cavity, and I think it's food so I chew it up and then swallow.  ................. I think that's more terrifying that pooping a head with fangs.

I received some great news today.  I went to a doctor and didn't walk away with another disease.  Yippee for me.  No, really.  I'm celebrating profusely in my heart.  There are literal balloons and confetti.

I guess I'll back up a little bit.  When I first got really sick, one of the symptoms I had was tingling in my face, hand-arms, and feet-legs.  My pcp insisted that I go to an ophthalmologist to see if MS (multiple sclerosis) was a factor.  I didn't go and didn't go, because nobody likes to hear about their body sucking and death looming.  But that last time I saw the old pcp, she spanked me twice for not listening and then twisted my arm until I agreed to make an appointment.  So, that's what that was all about.  Also, the tingling has stopped.  B-12 deficiency?  Thyroid?  Either or, or either - my body is getting what it needs and appears to be happy and tingleless.  At least for right now.  Praise Jesus.

I have not had to administer an enema in the past few days as my bowels are performing nicely. I do fear at some point an enema will be administered and I will not be able to get off the floor (yes, I'm lying on my right side on the bathroom floor - except our bathroom is very small, so head in the bathroom legs in the bedroom) quick enough, and the holy heavenly loads of liquid that have just been crammed up will have the unsightly urge to exit ceremoniously with great fanfare, clear across my bedroom, hitting everything in it's way including, but not limited to:  my statue lady, the dump-truck load of dirty clothes, curtains, dresser, and the musical instruments - because every bedroom deserves a band.

Side note of our marital bliss report:  Big D thought it was funny to come home from his precious swim this morning and greet me with a kiss, all while smirking. First of all, your smirk gave you away.  Maybe I'm not sure what was given away, but I knew it wasn't a kiss from the heart.  Number two, kissing me while completely and utterly despising me is also a dead give away of something not right and holy.  It comes down to the truth of him just wanting to see how I'll respond.  Kids, this is what you call playing with fire.  And apparently Big D is a pyromaniac.

Py . ro . ma . ni . ac - a person suffering from pyromania.

Pyromania clearly is defined by Wikipedia as:  an impulse control disorder in which individuals repeatedly fail to resist impulses to deliberately start fires in order to relieve tension or for instant gratification.

And THAT completely and wholly describes Big D.

Garlic Thyme Chicken
Riced cauliflower
Green beans

Ps - does anybody want to tell me about how glorious their cheese was today?  I need real, cheesy details.  I am missing cheese so much and I need to live vicariously through others besides Big D who nibbles cheese like a rat and makes me nauseous.

1)  Can I challenge you to read a chapter of Proverbs every day?  There are 31 chapters, so basically it's perfect.  Today I read about the man void of knowledge who ran straight into the arms of the harlot who's husband was away for awhile.  She promised sweet love all.  night.  long.  At first I was thinking "this is weird" and "this is not applicable to me at all".  But what if it were switched in words/verbiage to Foxy, the woman who's brain is full of fluff who ran straight into the arms of (something unhealthy and life-squashing ie:) cheese, bad attitudes, . . . . ......(that's all i can think of) So, it's completely applicable.  Can I challenge you to some wisdom this month?

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