Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Why I Feed my Kids GMOs

Back when I was responsible, I got up at 6:30 am.  That's what they tell SAHMs to do.  Its "key" to staying on top of the day.  And the demands.  That's how you know you're a "good" mom.  If you get up before your kids.  Put clothes on that don't stand up by themselves.  Or reek of musty arm pits.  Clothes that say "good morning beautiful children.  I am eager to begin this special day with you.  And later, I'm going to do your dad.  On the kitchen table."  And don't forget, your first cup of tea - by yourself - it's vital to good momship.  And if we're really striving for greatness, a moment in God's word, to refresh our spirits.

Yes, those are all key to being a good mom.  Personally, I didn't know this until I started reading other people's blogs. 

I tried it for a while.  It was nice.  But it made the day longer.  And quite frankly, this season that I'm in - cold, winter - calls for sleeping.  As long as the children allow.  I get up with the sun still.  (I can't help it that the sun wants to sleep too.   And doesn't get up until almost 8.)

 A key component to a longer, more peaceful sleep, is to provide cereal in the cupboard and milk in the refrigerator.  Murnice is becoming more independent by the day.  (With much encouragement, as she likes to be served on all levels.) (She is also learning the fine lesson of serving others - her brother.)

Her getting breakfast for them both is magical.  It allows for so much more peace and love to reside in my heart.

But three things have entered into the picture.

#1  I'm getting more and more skived out by GMOs.

#2  There remains only $6 left in the food budget for the next 1 1/2 weeks.

#3  We have officially run out of all cereal, that doesn't resemble and taste of rotting air and cardboard remnants.

All of this means that pure terror and havoc have replaced my once beautiful wake-up moments.  These children are waking up like hibernating bears. Who is that hungry upon immediately waking up?

The heart-shattering roars of "FEED US!!!!!!" make me only want to crawl under my mattress and dig a secret passage to the neighbors house.

I try to squash their hollering, if only for a few minutes, by playing sweet games with them in bed.  Like "kitten".  Kittens snuggle quietly.  And purr.  I do get the occasional lick though.

And then the two of them see through my games.  And decide together, silently, to begin the upheaval.  To begin the overthrow of the peace that did once reign.

The children care nothing for any living being, besides themselves.  They could care less if I was stark naked standing in the ice-box of a kitchen, while peeing my over-night load all over the floor.  Just as long as I was serving them.  Flipping eggs.  And pouring morning juice.  Putting their slippers on.

I am not allowed the luxury of throwing something on my ever-growing, hibernating bottom - without getting a tongue lashing.  The screams and squawks that come from such small, selfish creatures. They send me straight to the hell-hole of insanity.

This morning I decided, there are just some things that are needed to keep the queen somewhat subdued.  And it may not always be the healthiest choice.  Or the choice that we feel good or proud about.  But it's a season.  And. Seasons. Don't. Last. Forever.

We have to weigh.  What's a healthy choice for mom?  For right now.  For this season.  And choose to be confident in our choice.

And I guess I'm choosing to be confident in a morning bowl of GMOs.


  1. When you are feeling guilty about the GMOs & sugar, do what I do and remind yourself of the vitamins and minerals in the cereal. I justify cereal as a snack bc my kids need iron now that they're off of formula... formula, a whole other sticky guilty mess.

  2. Eggs are great after 9... And in the mean time, Josh will pity the baby and give him a heaping snack of "whatever" until I manage to blink my way down the stairs and heat up the pan for eggs. I like when the sun sleeps.

    And I might shower after 11 on occasions.
