Sunday, October 19, 2014

Sex, Apparently

Sex.  I am fully aware that sex is not the highlight of a marriage.  But right now, it seems like it is.  It's there, the holy grail of full fledged adulthood.  I can see it peaking at me from dusty corners and poopy toilet lids.  It hides in the grease film that engulfs my head and the toe hairs that feel the need to party. It taunts me playing catch-me-if-you-can.  And because it's so close and so unachievable, I think about it ALL. DAY. LONG.

I JUST WANT TO FEEL LIKE A WOMAN.  With lady bits.  Who is in a relationship with somebody who thinks my lady bits are neat.

And you know, I am in this relationship with this man who knows what a spanking is.  And he thinks my lady bits are pretty neat.  (At least he used to.  It's been so long I'm not even sure he knows what lady bits are anymore.)

We do all the right things.  Write messages on pieces of paper that float around in the dustbowl aka our mole hole aka the place we call home.  We even use our phones, because a picture is worth a thousand words.  And sometimes words are worth as many words as you typed.  We smile at each other nicely.  We talk (in person) how wonderful it would be to "play that old banjo" and "eat at the clam bake" and "fox trot around the world" and "twist and shout".  We talk about it all.  With smiles of course.

But here's the problem.


For real.  I have another baby.  And all of that ^^^^^ is true.  Without an ounce of writers exaggeration.

And so all the time that I could be spending "filling up the old urn" and "walking the bat cave" I instead spend feeding forever my first love child. (For real, he is my first love child.  *sigh* *giggle* that was fun.  A time when my body was a wonderland. And sleep was optional.  And overrated.  And sometimes, downright stupid.) And washing dishes for Big D because he's never home.  And sometimes I like to show him that I love him.  And homeschooling.  And laundry and cleaning the pee pool that collects at the back of my toilet.  Laundry.   And enzyming the poop stains away.  And making up things to eat, because that takes a real artist.  Especially when you don't go grocery shopping.  You would think that my baby weight might have dwindled.  Not an ounce.  Not.  One.  Bloody.  Ounce.  It's stuck.  And boy, do I feel like a woman.  Well, surfacely.  My thighs not only touch each other.  They smoosh and smack and dimple.  And when I walk they do their own dance.  Actually, everything does its own dance.  Quite an interesting sensation . . . .bunny trailllllll .......................And I spend money.  Because apparently I stress spend money.  And amazon prime is secretly my lover.  And poor Big D is stuck smack in the middle of it.  Too tired to yell at me.  And too in love with me since I washed his dishes.

It's dreadful.  I sit and feed WW and then just think. Think about all the neat things I should look up to see if AP has it.  Did you know that almonds are amazing?  As in superfood amazing.  And they make really good milk for WW.  Because apparently my super power right now is making milk.  But did you know that raw almonds aren't really raw.  At least in the US.  They have to be pasteurized.  And that happens with either a steam process that cooks most of the goodness away.  Or, with a chemical toxic waste fumigation bath.  And so if you want almonds, simple simple almonds.  With all the goodness that they're supposed to come with, you have to dig hard to make sure you're getting plain old almonds.  How incredibly stupid is that.  I JUST WANT A BLOODY ALMOND!  Straight from the tree.  Pick the damn almond and hand it over.  Apparently, it can't be done.  Sorry WW, you have to have half-ass milk.

So that's the trouble I get in, just by pulling out my milk bags.  But I do want to tell you some good news.  We (Big D and I) found a time to have our genitalia go a courting.  It actually happened.

Dinner was sizzling on the stove, at the verge of being done (sausage.  No pun intended.  For real.)  The kids were 5 minutes from the end of their movie they were watching, WW was at the very last seconds of his evening nap, and Friday Friends were to arrive at any moment.  Yes, all of this was happening, and it was the most prime(al) time to reacquaint ourselves.

Does it count if you lift the lid of a garbage dumpster, peak inside at all the goodies, snatch one thing, and then leave . . . does that count as dumpster diving?

And I'll leave you to figure out what all of that means.  It's not too difficult.  But I will say, that's how incredibly awesome it was.  (sarcasm dripping like a diarrhea explosion)

I'll end with this:  there is always hope.  That's my take away.  And my two cents.  And my best advice.  And the coolest thing I could come up with to say.  And what I really believe.

Because if I didn't believe that, there would be no reason at all to try again.  To be and do my absolute best.  And so I make the conscious choice to choose to hope.